Sunday, July 15, 2018

Day 33

July 15, 2018

Today we found the new Waterside District mermaid:

We also tried to find the Slover Library mermaid, but we learned that she was only temporarily at the library and has since been gifted to Norfolk's sister-city in India.


  1. Hi, I love reading your blog and my daughters have enjoyed finding the Mermaids as well...I have found one recently that I have not seen here (but may be on your list of ones you still need to find). It's located in a square in downtown Norfolk between the BB&T bldg and the MacArthur Museum. It's partially hidden by overgrown bushes, etc. and I can't see a sign or nameplate. How would I find out what the name is?.. I can't seem to attach a picture here but I can forward it to you via email....

  2. Hi Chris! I am glad you enjoy our blog! It's nice to meet a fellow mermaid hunter! If that is the one I think it is, it is called Full Circle. It is covered in what looks like cds or dvds. She is on our Day 7 post if you want to see if that's the one you found. When we found her, she was in some overgrown bushes and in sad shape.

  3. Hi Michelle, yes that is the one. I never thought of CDs or DVDs, I was thinking of pop rivets....thanks for the response!

  4. I stumbled upon your blog today and would love to follow your path with the mermaids for our children. Any advice for me? My first one id like to find is the one on Naval Station Norfolk so you may have a photograph of it :) do you happen to know where it is located? Thank you for your posts. I hope we can adventure to find them like you have!

    1. Hi Alexis, no I don't have the Naval Station Norfolk one. I have never been able to get on base. Sorry! Good luck with your quest! We have had so much fun doing it! Most of the ones on the blog are still in the locations I have listed. Happy hunting!

  5. The mermaid that was temporarily at the Slover Library was a gift of the Norfolk Sister Cities to Kochi, India. If you go to the interactive mermaid map (which is constantly being updated), you can see a picture of her if you zoom out far enough to see the entire globe.
